Mr. Amir Karimnejad began his studies at the University of Strasbourg in 2015. He completed his bachelor’s and master’s degrees in Classical Philology, specializing in Ancient Greek during the Classical and Imperial periods, with a focus on rhetoric and Sophistic movements. He is currently a Ph.D. student at the University of Strasbourg and teaches literature, language, and myths of Ancient Greece.

Mrs. Farnush Shamsian is a researcher in Ancient Greek studies and a doctoral student at the University of Leipzig. She focuses on teaching Ancient Greek to Persian speakers using digital tools. Her main research topics include the use of annotation tools and digital commentaries such as treebanks and the adaptation of translations in the localization of educational resources in less-resourced languages.

Mr. Hadi Kheradmandpour has been teaching Classical Greek based on the Athenaze Italian and English books, Thrasymachus, and Alexandros since 2018. His courses include:

  • Symposium readings at the House of Wisdom in Isfahan from winter 2018 to autumn 2019.
  • Reading of the Iliad at the Mana House of Thought and Literature in Isfahan from winter 2020 to summer 2021.
  • Explanation of the prologue of Lucius’s dialogue in summer 2021 by the Scientific Society of the Philosophy Department at the University of Isfahan.
  • Aeschylus’s tragedies at the Royesh Mehr Institute from February 2023 to September 2023.

His research interests include Plato’s erotic dialogues: Symposium, Lucius, Phaedrus; and the tragedies of Aeschylus and Euripides.